I just search google before post my sales. So far no one have this machine with coin. WeChatCash( QR Code) and bit Coin Claw machine. also call vending for fun machine. vending machine are everywhere. put a coin in get a water candy. that is no fun. but Claw machine a risk. if you don't know how. even spend hundreds money, still can't get anything. we have perfect back end and front end APP to adjust the power and risk. from nothing to get everything. is that fun? we are also building a shop without person watching. because by using QR Code. don't need to pay by cash but our vision is open a o2o (online offline)yelps store. you can help local store to marketing. when you craw a box. inside is a Chinese noodle. or pizza. anything is possible, also you can collect all the customer been play at this machine. which is you can send then email or message to call then back to play or have a free gift. i believe i am the first person selling this super idea vending machine. but only problem is come to pickup,