Home > Trumpet > Monette Style Bb/ C Trumpet Heavy Cap Heavy Receiver H2D MP
Monette Style Bb/ C Trumpet Heavy Cap Heavy Receiver H2D MP
Product Description
Berkeley Monette Style Bb/ C Trumpet Heavy Cap Heavy Receiver H2D MP
Bb C Classic Trumpet is the heaviest "classic" instrument and is
extremely easy to play! you can try the low register
really "barks," the upper register is open and free, and the response
all over the horn is locked-in and secure. With our "ovate"shaped tuning
slide and bell bends, this trumpet has a faster and yet more consistent
and secure response than other Berkeleywind Trumpet The added security
along a less stuffy feel is a wonderful combination for players who need
a light instrument, or an instrument that blends easily with other
players using conventional instruments. This instrument come with Brass
leadpipes.Hi- I'd like to pass along some information about valves.
horn has Berliner Pistons. The way you identify Berliner Pistons is
that the tubing goes through the middle of the valves in a straight
Berliner Pistons are often mistaken for Perinet Valves. The
difference is that the tubing between Perinet Valves jogs around
instead of going in a straight line.
This is an important selling
point. Berliner Pistons are rare these days, and are more direct (freer
blowing) than Perinet Valves, because when their are no valves
depressed, or ALL valves are depressed, either way the air is still
going straight through the horn, with no deflections.