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Advanced Multivitamin Time Complex (Made in USA)
Advanced Multivitamin Time Complex (Made in USA)
Advanced Multivitamin Time Complex (Made in USA)
Item#: Advanced Multivitamin Time Complex
Regular price: $99.00
Sale price: $39.00

Product Description
Advanced Multivitamin Time Complex Description Preview

時空膠囊 * 突破傳統*保養品真空封存.只要一顆,呵護全臉

時空膠囊 * 突破傳統*保養品真空封存.只要一顆,呵護全臉



--The Most Essential Intensive Anti-oxidant for Face, Eyes, and Throat

Made in U.S.A.


高效多維抗氧化時空膠囊結合了維他命 A,C,E,輔., 及天然..素等高效抗氧 化因子,能夠針對由於環境及年紀而產生的肌膚乾燥和老化現象給予明顯的改善.本產 品由曾經研發過 Elizabeth Arden, Demelogica等多種名牌護膚品的Dr. Steele 所 帶領的專家團隊研發. 它融合了各種目前流行於美國,歐洲,及以日本為首的亞洲市場 的高效抗氧化成分,並採用了獨特的時空膠囊生產技術, 強化了吸收能力,並有效保持產 品的高效抗氧化成分和純度.




1. 高效保濕, 可以鎖住皮膚水分. 2. 吸收力強,可以滲透肌膚底層 3. 調.膠原細胞及.力細胞,.生抗皺,除紋效果 4. 刺激皮膚纖維.胞的增生,使得皮膚更具有.性 5. 增加皮膚光亮度. 改善膚色. 6. 抑制黑色素,還原色素斑 7. 有效去除自由基,修護紫外線 UVA/UVB 所造成之傷害,防止皮膚細胞受損老化 主要成分:

左旋 C, 天然維他命 E, 維他命 A, 玻尿酸, 膠原蛋白, 深海鮫油, 輔., 天然..素, 抗氧 化生育三烯醇, 酪梨油,矽靈, 亞油酸, 葡萄柚精油, 檸檬精油. 矽膠.


扭.膠囊,將精華液.集中指尖, 柔和地按摩於潔淨的面部和.部,避免接觸到眼睛。 建議在晚上使用, 化妝水後涂一至二粒,之后再涂晚霜 (如需要而定)。适用於一般及 干性皮.。請避免粉刺和破口處。

Advanced Multivitamin Time Complex
--The Most Essential Intensive Anti-oxidant for Face and Throat
30 Capsules
Made in the U.S.A.

The product is designed by Dr. Don Steel, a softgel technology leader who has
developed and formulated many cutting-age skin care solutions that known as
worldwide brand names for decades.
“The skin is the largest organ of the body. It is the first line of defense against the
ravages of Mother Nature and man made toxins and pollutants. The natural moisture and
oils in the skin are capable of providing some protection, but they can not stand alone.
Exposed skin craves additional support and nourishment in order to function optimally.
Now introducing, for the first time, a skin care formula that is designed to protect and
nourish the skin. In an attractive and easy to use Softgel, this product can go with you
and be available for use almost any time or place. Providing a full compliment of oils,
vitamins, and cofactors, this pleasantly fragrant product will become your skin care
---Dr. Don Steel
Advanced Multivitamin Time Complex is newly developed to enhance
your natural skin beauty with the most innovative anti-oxidants of multivitamins,
CoQ10, and astaxanthin, combining hydrolyzed collagen, avocado oil, squalene,
and other key factors to maximize the effectiveness of your age-fighting strategy.
Each preservative and fragrance free capsule is encapsulated to protect from air
exposure for maximum purity and potency. It’s pure, potent, and recognized as
one of the most advanced forms of skincare. Suitable for mature and sensitive
skin types.

• Instantly retexturizes for noticeably softer, smoother looking skin.
• Measurably reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
• Protect against free radical damage and environmental stress.
• Helps produce nature collagen, improve firmness and radiance.
• Naturally enhance hydration and strengthen skin's protective barrier.

Key Ingredients:
Cyclopentasiloxane, Pelemol, Avocado Oil, Syncrowax, Ascorbic Acid, Vitamin E,
Dimethicone, Squalene, Emersol 315 Linoleic Acid, Vitamin A, Grapefruit
Essential Oil Blend, Lemon Oil, Hydrolyzed Collagen, Coenzyme Q10,
Tocotrienols, Natural Astaxanthin

Twist open and squeeze the concentrate onto fingertips. Gently message over
cleansed face and throat, avoiding eyelids. Use once or twice daily.
Note: Keep container closed and store at room temperature or in a cool dry
place after each use. If capsules harden, leave container open in bathroom while
showering or bathing to restore normal softness.

Suggested Precaution:
• For external use only.
• Keep out of reach of children.
• Avoid contact with eyelids.
• Do not use on irritated or damaged skin.
• If excessive irritation develops, discontinue use and consult a physician.
Magic In The Capsule:

Anti-oxidant Vitamins C & E: “Vitamin E Reduces sunburn cell
production, chronic UV-induced damage and the production of cancer
causing cells, soothe dry, rough skin. When combined with vitamin C, both
vitamins create a highly protective lotion against sun damage

--- Dermatologist Karen E. Burke, MD spoke at the American Academy of Dermatology’s
2002 Annual Meeting in New Orleans.

Anti-oxidant Vitamin A: “The ability of these compounds (Retinol, the
entire vitamin A molecule, can be broken down into thousands of smaller
components) to soften fine lines and wrinkles, lighten pigmentation, and
improve overall photo damage makes them the gold standard against
which all new ingredients will be compared."
--- Said dermatologist Patricia Farris, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor at Tulane
University School of Medicine in New Orleans, Louisiana.
• CoQ-10: Protects cell membrane and mitochondria from UV rays and
environmental and oxidative damage. Improves the function of the
mitochondria, the machine that produces energy in cells. It helps the skin
to produce more collagen, elastin and other skin molecules. It is a small
molecule and can penetrate skin cells easily. A 1999 study by German
researchers showed that long-term use of Co Q-10 reduced crows’ feet an
average of 23%!
• Astaxanthin: A number of scientific studies have been conducted on
astaxanthin in vivo, in vitro, and in humans. They have found that
Is 40 times more effective than other carotenoids such as beta-
carotene and lutein.
Is 550 times more effective than vitamin E.
Is 17 times stronger than grape seed extract
Supports visual acuity and relieves eye fatigue.
Protects against exercise-induced free radical production.
Protects against photo-aging.
Supports even skin tone.
Reduces wrinkles and improves skin’s elasticity.

• Avocado oil: It is widely used in the manufacture of superior quality skin
care and cosmetic products. It is easily absorbed into deep tissue, and
with its wonderfully emollient properties, makes it ideal for dry or mature
skins, or people suffering from eczema or psoriasis. It is very useful when
treating sun or climate damaged skin that is dehydrated and
undernourished, as it helps with regenerating the skin and softening the
tissue. In a study done at the Department of Food Engineering and
Biotechnology, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in 1991, it was
found that avocado oil significantly increases the amount of collagen in the
• Squalene: Softens wrinkles and tiny maturity lines around the eyes and
mouth. Provides relief for many minor skin ailments, including rashes,
scaly skin, scars, and itching. Helps remedy the effects of detergents and
other harmful external agents, while curing minor skin eruptions and
chapping. Maximizes the benefits of moisturizer and smoothes your
flawless make-up application. Enhances your skin's appearance, making it
more radiant and supple.
• Hydrolyzed Collagen: BioCell Collagen II™ is the only 100% pure
Collagen Type II ingredient. It contains naturally high concentrations of
Hyaluronic Acid, an important element of skin tissue that allows the
retaining of skin moisture and functions as a lubricant between the
connective tissues of the skin. Its low molecular weight can easily reaches
the corium layers of the epidermis where it can increase tissue
concentrations to healthier levels revealing a more vibrant and younger
looking complexion.
• Essential oils of Grapefruit and Lemon: soothe and calm the skin.
Combine with AGE DEFENSE COMPLEX- ASTAXANTHIN, an internal
nutritional support designed to protect skin from free radicals, for
maximum result of your natural beauty.

Customer Reviews:
These were highly recommended to me. I'm still not quite sure when the best
time to use the product, but I apply it after a treatment in the morning and instead
of a moisturizer. I think you are supposed to use it before a moisturizer to get the
most out of the moisturizer, but I don't need a daily moisturizer, so I skip it. The
capsules definitely make my skin soft and smooth after the gel/oil soaks in. I feel
it's improving my skin, but it's been just under a month.
-- Michelle H. San Diego, CA
I got some free samples from friend. It was a 7-day supply and after 4 days I
thought I was seeing a difference but couldn't believe it! My skin looked
smoother, skin tone was even, lines were less noticeable, and pores appeared
smaller. After I finished the 7-day supply, I knew there was a difference and will
continue to use these caps. One word of warning, the representative told me that
I would love the feeling when I applied the product but it felt really oily and greasy
to me. I stuck with it though and found that by two minutes, my skin had
absorbed the product and my skin felt so soft.
--Lucy T. Oxnard, CA
I am a regular user of Advanced Multivitamin Time Complex and ever since I
started using this product I began receiving comments from my peers about how
much younger I look. I used to suffer from dry and sensitive skin, but I no longer
need my daily dry skin moisturizer. Thanks to your product I now look and feel
--Isabel S. Chapel Hill, NC
Wow! I have searched everywhere for a product to seriously help out my dull
skin. I was originally skeptical when I heard about Advanced Multivitamin Time
Complex, but I am so glad I gave it a chance. I was directed to use twice a day
and it turns out to be the best thing I could have ever done. Along with helping
my dry skin, I have noticed the fine lines around my eyes, plus it seems to be
improving the elasticity in my skin. This is the perfect skin treatment for anyone
who wants to look better without having to waste their time and money on other
expensive cosmetics.
-- Jeanette L. Hollywood, CA

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