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Cancer – a nutritional disease?
By admin, on March 6th, 2011
There is an emerging school of thought that is supported by evidence in research that cancer could be a nutritional disease. Cancer cells are known to plump for aerobic glycolysis and substrate phosphorylation energy system when mitochondria, the power generator of cellular energy are impaired from exotoxins or endotoxins. Normal cells use oxidative phosphorylation . . . → Read More: Cancer – a nutritional disease?
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WHI studies in perspective
By admin, on February 14th, 2011
First, let’s take a deeper look at the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) studies that change the medical perspective of menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) and drop the use of hormones significantly.
The menopausal hormone therapy clinical trial had two parts. The first involved 16,608 postmenopausal women with a uterus who took either estrogen plus-progestin therapy . . . → Read More: WHI studies in perspective
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Surgical management of obesity
By admin, on November 20th, 2010
In this article we will discuss the surgical treatment of obesity which is the last resort in resistant weight control. This will conclude our thread on Resistant Weight Control. We will be starting a new thread next month and we hope you have enjoyed our series on this global epidemic that is now getting . . . → Read More: Surgical management of obesity
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Obesity – genes or diet?
By admin, on August 24th, 2010
Obesity – nature or nurture….genetic factors are at play in obesity. But you are not doomed by your genetic fate…nutrients have been demonstrated to regulate your fat genes..
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By admin, on September 28th, 2010
Wonder why it is so difficult for some of your patients to lose weight? There have been many studies that documented substantial reduction in calorie diet intake of some patients and yet their weight remains the same. We have covered some of the undetected hypothyroidism and leptin resistance as causes. However, there is another . . . → Read More: ADAPTIVE THERMOGENESIS – A CAUSE OF RESISTANT WEIGHT CONTROL.
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Total plaque score by CT angiography does not correlate with NCEP and Framingham risk scores
By admin, on April 4th, 2011
It is interesting to note that both the NCEP and Framingham risk scores correlate poorly with physical plaque burden on CT coronary angiography in 1653 patients with no history of CAD but who were experiencing atypical chest pain, were smokers, or had a family history of CAD, high blood pressure, or hypercholesterolemia. Amount of . . . → Read More: Total plaque score by CT angiography does not correlate with NCEP and Framingham risk scores
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Understanding Apoproteins and lipid transport and regulation
By admin, on April 4th, 2011
Lipoproteins are specialized proteins with a single spherical layer of phospholipids and cholesterol membrane and content of cholesterol esters, TG and proteins. The protein concentration determines the density of the lipoprotein. HDL has the highest protein content while chylomicron with the lowest protein. Another critical structure that is in the membrane are the apoproteins . . . → Read More: Understanding Apoproteins and lipid transport and regulation
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Understanding Vitamin D
By admin, on March 7th, 2011
Dr John Cannell, the Executive Director of the non-profit organization, Vitamin D council provides a succinct article that is useful for those who do not understand the physiology of vitamin D.
Vitamin D Physiology
To understand the vitamin D endocrine system one needs to be familiar with the different . . . → Read More: Understanding Vitamin D
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Vitamin D and Cancer
By admin, on March 7th, 2011
On 22 Feb 2011, the University of California released a press statement on the results of a study conducted jointly between UCSD and Creighton University School of Medicine in Omaha.
Higher vitamin D intake needed to reduce cancer risk
Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and Creighton University School . . . → Read More: Vitamin D and Cancer
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Good and Bad Estrogens?
By admin, on March 3rd, 2011
There has been much talk about the role of estrogens in breast cancer risk. While cumulative estrogen exposure is the most critical breast cancer risk factor. The role of different metabolites of estrogen in cancer risk has increasingly been researched. In premenopausal women, the ovaries produce the estrogen estradiol (E2), which converts into estrone . . . → Read More: Good and Bad Estrogens?
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Female health issues
By admin, on February 12th, 2011
After a long sabbatical leave pursuing my Masters program in Human Nutrition at the University of Bridgeport, I am back. Some patients have requested me to provide updated information on female health issues especially hormonal issues. Some of the questions commonly raised are – do we need hormonal replacement during menopause? Is menopause a . . . → Read More: Female health issues
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Adaptive Thermogenesis in resistant weight control Part II
By admin, on October 12th, 2010
In our last article, we looked at adaptive thermogenesis as a cause of resistant weight control. Adaptive thermogenesis is energy expenditure to produce heat beyond that which is proportional to the amount of overfeeding associated with theoretical costs of an increased body size and a larger food intake. If there is no adaptive thermogenesis which is energy . . . → Read More: Adaptive Thermogenesis in resistant weight control Part II
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