BerkeleyWind 4 Rotary Valves F TUBA ( F Euphonium)
BerkeleyWind Fkey 4 Rotary Valves 1/2 TUBA (Euphonium)/ |
BerkeleyWind Bb 4 Rotary Valves Euphonium (1/2 Bb TUBA) 4 Rotary Valve Euphonium is a true European designed euphonium. but the mouthpiece is using TUBA 12 C cup a yellow brass
construction with a nickel-silver mouthpipe for a centered tone with
excellent responsoval this Euphonium has a lacquer finish and
includes a case and mouthpiece.
This euphonium look like a Eb Alto Horn but when you play . the tone just like BBb Tuba this instrument has four front action, mechanical linkage,
rotary valves for a quiet yet quick valve response. The large bore
gives a full sound and the oval wrap provides an excellent tone color.
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